Top 50 Causes of Death in Nigeria 2024

We are not just going to give you the leading cause of death in the country, but also going to talk about the life expectancy and more. Nigeria is a West African country that shares border with Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Benin. it has a population of 181,839,000 and a Per capita income of $5,680.

Poor health care, bad roads, and drug abuse are some of the leading causes of death in Nigeria this 2024. The country has a very poor life expectancy when compared with their neighbours across Africa.


According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Nigeria is: Male 54.7, female 55.7 and total life expectancy is 55.2 which gives Nigeria a World Life Expectancy ranking of 178.

List of top 50 leading causes of death in Nigeria 2024

The Infant mortality rate in Nigeria is 69/1000 live births, highlighting the need for more work in the health care industry. Below is the list of the leading causes of death in Nigeria today according to the WHO.

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1. Influenza and Pneumonia
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhoeal diseases
4. Stroke
6. Coronary Heart Disease
7. Liver Disease
8. Prostate Cancer
9. Diabetes Mellitus
10. Maternal Conditions
11. Malaria
12. Breast Cancer
13. Meningitis

14. Low Birth Weight
15. Road Traffic Accidents
16. Birth Trauma
17. Other Injuries
18. Falls
19. Cervical Cancer
20. Lung Disease
21. Endocrine Disorders
22. Congenital Anomalies
23. Malnutrition
24. Hypertension
25. Suicide
26. Alzheimers/Dementia


27. Asthma
28. Kidney Disease
29. Liver Cancer
30. Violence
31. Measles
32. Drownings
33. Fires
34. Inflammatory/Heart
35. Drug Use
36. Peptic Ulcer Disease
37. Schistosomiasis
38. War
39. Epilepsy

40. Lymphomas
41. Rheumatic Heart Disease
42. Colon-Rectum Cancers
43. Other Neoplasms
44. Tetanus
45. Skin Disease
46. Pertussis
47. Ovary Cancer
48. Syphilis
49. Poisonings
50. Hepatitis B


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